Conservation and Wildlife Management (terrestrial services)
The current legislation requires a number of management plans when dealing with game and conservation important species and areas. At EM Assistance we pride ourselves in developing plans to meet the legal requirements in all fields across the conservation and game farm management spectrum.
- Environmental Management Plans
- Protected Area Management Plans
- Game Farm Management Plans
- Protected or Species of Conservation value Plans (ie, elephant management plans, rhino management plans etc...)
- Veld Management Plans
- Burn Management Plans
- Erosion Control Management Plans
- Wildlife and Conservation Management Advice
- Waste Management Plans and Programmes for Game Farms, Conservation areas and the farming sector.
In the process of developing and constructing an entity, a number of activities on site impact the environment and plans often change. These changed plans must be evaluated to ensure additional damage is not being imposed on the environment, and that the new potential damage or changes (anthropogenic influences) do not cause the development to become non-compliant with environmental legislation. At EM Assistance we offer advice and services to ensure that our clients remain compliant through the duration of construction.
Planning Phase
- Specialist reports for EIAs or basic assessments
- Ambient air quality assessment
- Ecology
- Heritage
- Geomorphology
- Rehabilitation planning
Construction Phase
- Updating Environmental Management Plans for and during construction
- Erosion Management Plans for Construction and rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Management Plans (all developments including mining)
- Environmental Compliance Advice (including air, waste, water, fauna, flora, marine, erosion, soil and general environmental).
- Environmental Management provide companies with Environmental Officers (EO) or Environmental Control Officers (ECO)
- Method statements and logistical management for construction
- Risk assessments and Environmental advice
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Environmental Officer Training (on site)
- Environmental Control Officer Training (on site)
- Waste Management Plans
- Environmental Audits
Licencing, authorisations and Environmental management Process
The current legislation requires a number of licences and authorisations when developing or undertaking activities that the government deme as activities which have a significant impact on the Environment. At EM Assistance we pride ourselves in assisting our clients with obtaining environmental compliance in all fields (from Development to Mining)
- Mining right
- Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and (Bar)
- Waste licencing
- Water use licencing
- Environmental Management Programs (EMP)
- Mine Closure Plans
- Greening Plans
- Biodiversity assessments
Conservation and Wildlife Management (terrestrial services)
The current legislation requires a number of management plans when dealing with game and conservation important species and areas. At EM Assistance we pride ourselves in developing plans to meet the legal requirements in all fields across the conservation and game farm management spectrum.
- Environmental Management Plans
- Protected Area Management Plans
- Game Farm Management Plans
- Protected or Species of Conservation value Plans (ie, elephant management plans, rhino management plans etc…)
- Veld Management Plans
- Burn Management Plans
- Erosion Control Management Plans
- Wildlife and Conservation Management Advice
- Waste Management Plans and Programmes for Game Farms, Conservation areas and the farming sector.
Training and Assessments
At EM Assistance we have highly trained professionals from the environmental legal field, Environmental Compliance field and air, soil, waste and marine specialist fields. The team of well-equipped trainers (including SETA qualified professionals) will ensure that the training courses conducted by EM Assistance is relevant, current, up-to date and practical. The courses offered are directed to developers, construction workers, government organisations, NGOs and Environmental Consultants.
- Environmental control Officer training
- Environmental 0fficer training
- Environmental compliance awareness
- Erosion Management
- Environmental awareness training
- Air quality
- Environmental Conservation compliance
- Waste related assessment
- Erosion related assessments
- Environmental, conservation or ecological related assessment